Personalized Literacy Instruction with Homework Options
1 session of personalized instruction based on assessment of learner needs. Includes at-home learning resources.
Personalized Literacy Instruction
1 session of personalized instruction based on assessment of learner needs.
Phonics: Interpreting Assessment Data to Prepare for Word Study
In this presentation, we will focus on assessing student spelling knowledge and interpreting the resulting data to prepare for word study. This includes slides with accompanying notes and embedded video clips. It is also customizable for coaches and/or teachers to use when training staff members.
Implementing Phonics: Word Sorts for Strategy Instruction
In this presentation, we will focus on the implementation of word study, including both in-person and digital options for instruction and implementation. A case study is included to walk you through the process. This includes slides with accompanying notes and embedded video clips. It is also customizable for coaches and/or teachers to use when training staff members.
Differentiating Phonics: Independent Practice
In this presentation, we will focus on the independent practice of word study for students and what that looks like in the classroom. This includes both in person and digital options for practice, a sample schedule, and ways to assess. This also includes slides with accompanying notes and embedded video clips. It is also customizable for coaches and/or teachers to use when training staff members.
Why it matters series
Why It Matters: Sight Words
This slideshow was introduced during our Why It Matters: Sight Words session on Facebook Live. It includes audio and contains resource recommendations for anyone who is interested in learning more about research-based strategies that support sight word learning.
Why It Matters: Phonemic Awareness
This slideshow was introduced during our Why It Matters: Phonemic Awareness session on Facebook Live. It includes audio and contains resource recommendations for anyone who is interested in learning more about research-based strategies that support phonemic awareness.
digital literacy
english Learners
Retelling Literary Text with English Learners
This presentation captures important modifications for helping English learners learn the foundational comprehension strategy of retelling literary text.
KENTUCKY Standards vs CCSS Documents(K-5)
Fifth Grade Kentucky Academic Standards and Common Core State Standards Crosswalk Document
This document compares the new Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing to the ELA Common Core State Standards for fifth grade.
Fourth grade Kentucky Academic Standards and Common Core State Standards Crosswalk Document
This document compares the new Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing to the ELA Common Core State Standards for fourthgrade.
Third Grade Kentucky Academic Standards and Common Core State Standards Crosswalk Document
This document compares the new Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing to the ELA Common Core State Standards for third grade.
Second Grade Kentucky Academic Standards and Common Core State Standards Crosswalk Document
This document compares the new Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing to the ELA Common Core State Standards for second grade.
First Grade Kentucky Academic Standards and Common Core State Standards Crosswalk Document
This document compares the new Kentucky Academic Standards for Reading and Writing to the ELA Common Core State Standards for first grade.